Author Spotlight: Laura Bickle

Get to Know Author Laura Bickle!

We really do love chatting it up with our favorite authors and sharing more about them with you! I recently read The Hallowed Ones and The Outside by Laura Bickle (Find the reviews by clicking on the titles!) and loved the books so much I just had to dig into the mind of the author that wrote them! So sit back, relax, and learn a little about the mind that produces the end of the world via vampire apocalypse. 

1.      GFG: Hi Laura! Thanks for joining us!! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Is writing your "day job" or just something you do on the side? 

Laura: Hi, and thanks so much for hosting me today!

Writing is now my day job, but it was my side job for many, many years while I worked in criminal justice and in libraries. I wrote a lot in the wee hours of the morning and on lunch breaks – it’s always been with me. 

2.      GFG: What do you do when you're not writing fabulous books? 

Laura: Beyond reading, stargazing, and keeping the cats in the style to which they’ve become accustomed, I have a few more frivolous pursuits. As followers of my blog know, I’ve been in the process of re-assembling my brother’s childhood collection of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe figures. About once a month, we have a party at my house in which the centerpiece looks like something out of Christmas morning, circa 1985. Castle Greyskull looms over the appetizers, and Skeletor is charging over the silverware.

That has led to a vice for me. As much as I enjoy those old action figures, I really enjoyed She-Ra when I was a kid. Lo and behold, through the miracle of eBay, I can be eight years old again. I’ve found various odds and ends in the process of completing my brother’s collection. It always brings a smile to my face, remembering when I was a little girl and seriously into pink swords and secret identities.

I think, when I’m not writing, my brain is usually at play. Whether it’s working with books, reading them, or restoring old toys, some part of me is involved with telling a story about a fantasy world. And being a writer fits right in with the rest of my life.

3.     GFG:  Where did you get inspiration for The Hallowed Ones Series? Is any of it based on real life experiences?

Laura: I live not too far from a large Amish settlement, one that I visited often as a child. I used to see the Amish girls my age and wonder how their lives were different from mine. I admired how strong and self-sufficient they seemed. It later occurred to me that these traits, combined with their incredibly strong sense of community, could make the Amish uniquely equipped to survive certain types of disasters, such as the vampire apocalypse that devastates the world in THE HALLOWED ONES and THE OUTSIDE.

4.      GFG: If you could pick three fictional characters to be with you at the end of the world, who would they be? 

Laura: Hmmm! Good question. I’m going with Van Helsing from Dracula, Wonder Woman, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

5.      GFG: What's your dream for this series? 

Laura: Ohhh. Dreams are dangerous stuff. My ultimate dream, with any series, would be to have action figures based on the characters.

6.      GFG: Any advice to the aspiring writers out there? 

Laura: I really suggest that writers try National Novel Writing Month at least once. It got my excuses and blocks out of the way, and helped me learn that what I thought were my limits were not really limits. They were just walls I’d set up in my head.

Fun Round! 
1.     GFG:  Is there anything weird on your bookshelf that we would be shocked to find? 

Laura: Heh. I probably have as many decks of Tarot cards as books.

2.     GFG:  If you could pick book tour stops on your tour, where would you go? 

Laura: I think I will have “made it” if my books ever get mentioned on Cracked.

3.      GFG: Be honest, how often do you wash your hair? 

Laura: Daily. I have seriously oily hair, so it’s gotta get scrubbed daily. Upside is that I never have to buy conditioner.

This or That 
GFG: Coke or tea?

Laura: Coke. It’s the breakfast of champions.

GFG: Hardback or paperback (or ebook)?

Laura: Paperback.

GFG: Vampires or Werewolves?


GFG: Fire or Ice? 

Laura: Fire. Preferably, with marshmallows.

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