Want to donate to our 10k giveaway?

We are getting ready to celebrate 10,000 followers on instagram! (Well, I hope. Unless people just suddenly decide we aren't cool anymore and stop following us. please don't do that! It would make me cry!)

We want this giveaway to be huge, because we honestly wouldn't be here without our followers. So, I'm putting out the forces to make a giveaway that would make your mouths water! If you're an author or blogger (or hey just a random reader) who wants to donate to our 10k giveaway, we will give you two entries in the rafflecopter that people will use to enter the giveaway. (These can be any two things you like.) So, the hope is that by donating to our giveaway, you get some followers and clicks along the way. 

HUGE SPECIAL THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS EVER CLICKED ON ANY OF OUR LINKS!!! I love you more than you will ever know for helping me do something that I love. There is no giveaway that could ever repay you for your support, but I will always try! 

Also, special thanks to ohthebookfeels.com for always sticking by me and being my sister - not just in the blogosphere but also in real life. I'm blessed to have gotten to know her. anddddd to www.grownupfangirl.com's affiliate site: bookcrastinators.com for always supporting me even when I'm kinda stupid! 

If you're interested, you can fill out the form by clicking here or by using the form below: 

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