Exclusive Guest Post from author Christine Brae

Super excited to bring you guys a guest post from author Christine Brae today! Check out the info about her upcoming release, IN THIS LIFE as well! 

Title:  In This Life
Author:  Christine Brae
Release Date:  January 22, 2016

"Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,

They’re in each other all along."


They say that life is full of choices. When you’re young and idealistic, you believe that the path you choose is the road that will lead you to your destiny.

But what if, along the way, fate decides to step in, and no amount of logic or rationality or even prayers can save you from your fortune? When the sacrifices you make, the love that you find, and the bright promise of the future are all snatched away from you, you’re left alone to pick up the pieces of your life.

This is a story about love, found in a faraway place by two very unlikely people. It is also a story about friendship and loyalty and fighting for what you have despite the illogical mystery of fate. It is a story of faith and acceptance, and learning that even the best-laid plans are powerless against the alignment of the universe.

From the beaches of Thailand to the streets of New York, three friends, Anna, Dante, and Jude will learn the hard way that once providence steps in, there is nothing in the world that can change what is truly meant to be. 

Check out the book trailer: 

Hi there, Grownup Fangirl! It’s so nice to visit with you today. I’m SO HAPPY that you’ve given me the chance to share my new book with you and to take a few minutes to talk about it. The blurb on the back cover says it all for me. I’ve always believed that we meet people for a reason. Whether it be for a fleeting moment, for a certain amount of time, temporarily or for life. There is a connection between people that is oftentimes undeniable and strong.

Anna meets Jude while she’s trying to find herself in Thailand. Her best friend, Dante is there to support her. He seems to be there for her every time she decides that she needs to rediscover herself. By the time she meets Jude, their plans for the future seem to be set in stone. Anna wants to be a doctor, Jude is traveling the world, and Dante just wants to be rich. During the course of the next few years, these three friends are thrown into circumstances that change them and the course of their lives.

Do you believe in fate? Do you think that our future has been written in the stars even before we ever had a chance to dream our destiny? I certainly think there is some truth to that. And so where do we go from here, if that’s truly the case? Why go against all odds to be with the person that we love, pull out all the stops to make them fall in love with us, if everything is part of a plan and we are merely the pieces of an enormous puzzle? I think for those of us who have gone through heartbreaks and losses and inexplicable events, we have the answer. 

It’s because we have Hope.

It is hope that keeps us alive, keeps us going, keeps us wanting to have that redemption, that closure. And how else can hope linger and thrive, if there was no need for it? There can be no healing without pain, no happiness without sorrow. And no love, no unconditional, all encompassing, all consuming love, without heartbreak.

I hope you all give this book a chance. Jude, Dante and Anna have so much to say!


Christine Brae is a full time career woman who thought she could write a book about her life and then run away as far as possible from it. She never imagined that her words would touch the hearts of so many women with the same story to tell. Her second book, His Wounded Light was released in December, 2013.

Christine's third book, Insipid, is a standalone that was released in June, 2014, and her fourth book, In This Life is scheduled for release in January 2016.

When not listening to the voices in her head or spending late nights at the office, Christine can be seen shopping for shoes and purses, running a half marathon or spending time with her husband and three children in Chicago


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